Home Necklace Hand Necklace N

Hand Necklace N

R 750.00












The Hand Neckalce


Hands down our favourite piece.




Open to receive, the open hand is a gesture of self love.


 "No one ever taught me how to receive.


Not a compliment; I am a master at countering any comment with insight about all my faults.


Not a gift; I immediately feel the need to give something in return, preferably bigger.


Not a kindness; I wave people away from helping me in a grocery line, no matter that I am dropping bread as I speak."


With conscious practice we can learn to love ourselves and in turn love others a little better. 




- Material: Brass pendant on a gold plated chain


- Approx. 2cm wide


- Necklace has sterling silver chain and is 50cm long


All our jewellery is handmade in our Cape Town studio.